Thursday, July 20, 2006

....... PLEASE NOTE: When I decided to finally learn how to create a website, I intended this blog to be only for family photos, as most are, below. But since the cats are such a big part of our lives and a hobby for me, and they INSISTED on sharing this space as they share our lives, I couldn't say "No" to them. So here are a few pictures of some of my kittens for now, most recently gone to new homes, so anyone interested can also see what distinguishes "Pet Quality" from "Show Quality" as regards their faces, at least. These kittens loved to play in this basket, even though it's not soft like their wicker basket bed. I encountered plenty of glitches in the process of uploading these photos, and had to re-place some of them, just to get them in the right sequence, so please excuse any repetition in my comments anywhere on this Blog. The posting dates also do not match the photo dates, because I have to back-date posts/pics in order to get them in the right order. (Otherwise all photos always land up on top of this Blog). This has been quite an adventure (and headache at times) , but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it now! :-)

1 comment:

Gary said...

Joann..congratulations..the pictures are very enjoyable.A lovely family.