Thursday, July 20, 2006

.........WELCOME ALL!! - The first photo I wanted to put here is of our sweetheart daughter SONIA (the half-Italian brunette on the left - now age 28, but she was in College when this was taken ) , standing with her friend, Andrea, on one of her trips to Brazil 3 years ago in 2003. She comes first because, as the song goes, she really "lights up my life!" But this photo was one of those which landed out of place, Oh well... We just wish she wasn't so far away in Florida now, as she has always been our "only child", meaning no brothers or sisters. She has a big family in Italy on her father's side, and she has visited Italy twice, and a few times some of them have come to visit us too....

Andrea and Sonia are still friends, and like me, has attended Josh Groban concerts with her. Josh is her current FAV singer! She says it's kind of hard to find friends in her age group who appreciate that kind of voice and singing! Many of her friends and acquaintances have never even heard of him. Sonia has a degree in Film Production but now has a demanding job, working in the Travel Industry, and does a lot of travel for her Company too - the fun part!! Her husband is Claudio, a native of Brazil, and is applying to become a Police Officer. They've been married about 5 years, and currently live in Orlando, FL.

I happened to have this photo already saved on our computer, but I don't have any more uploadable-photos of her or anything until we buy a scanner. 2005 was the first year we ever had a digital camera, so I'm lucky to have these photos below to upload from our 2005 Florida trip. Later, when I get more experienced at this technical stuff, and we take more pictures, I'll add some more. But for now... Believe me, it took me MANY hours just to figure out how to maneuver around and create this website, in the first place!!

I hope I didn't upload too many pics, as I know how boring family albums can be! That's why I'll try to vary the pictures, as I just did by including our kittens, as some of you are hopefully cat lovers! Later when I buy a scanner, I can scan photos of our ADULT feline companions, and put a few photos of them on here too. Eventually I might even get around to talking about MYSELF a bit, but that's not important now. My original intent was ONLY to have a place to put our family photos online!!


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